8 Best Essential Oils for Heat Rash : Quick Natural Remedies

Heat Rash is also known as sweat rash, miliaria, or prickly heat.

It is a common skin issue among people living in hot and humid areas. People experience it especially in the tropics and during summer time.

This skin condition causes small, itchy, red and heated bumps on the skin.

You can get heat rashes at any age. Babies and young children are more prone to this disease. It is because of their underdeveloped sweat glands.

Heat rashes can be painful. You can use some essential oils for heat rash to give yourself safe and quick healing.

This article reviews research backed uses and efficacy of essential oils for treating heat rash naturally.

Why Use Essential Oils for Heat Rash
Essential oils come from plant extracts in liquid form. These oils are highly concentrated. They have powerful therapeutic properties too.

Essential oils are useful for treating heat rashes in particular. There are cooling and healing effects of essential oils on various skin problems. Such as acne, bumps, sunburn, eczema, skin rashes, and so on.

Some essential oils help you heal heat rashes because:

  • They are soothing and calming the irritated skin
  • They cool the hot and bothered area
  • They relieve itchy skin
  • They help your body numb the burning and prickling sensation of heat rashes
  • They speed up the healing of heat rashes rashes

Best Essential Oils for Heat Rash Natural Cure

1. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil comes from Melaleuca alternifolia plant, a native of Australia.

Numerous medical research have been carried out to investigate the efficacy of tea tree oil in dermatology.

Research evidence suggest the potent antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal effects of tea tree oil for various skin disorders. Some of the therapeutic chemical compounds of tea tree oil are terpinen-4-ol and 8-cineole. These natural components are effective against many inflammatory and bacterial skin diseases.

A topical application of tea tree oil may be an effective treatment for heat rash and its symptoms.

How to use tea tree oil for heat rash:

Dilute 2-3 drops of tea tree oil with a good carrier oil. Apply and massage the solution gently on the heat rash affected skin area.

2. Chamomile Oil
Chamomile oil has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic,anti-infectious properties. These components may help you get rid of heat rash.

Chamomile oil comes from the flowers of the beneficial chamomile plant. This plant is very popular as a flowering plant. People are fond of it for the several medicinal properties of chamomile oil.

This oil is a sudorific; it can induce profuse perspiration. This process helps to remove toxins and agents which cause infections.

Chamomile oil is great for the heat rash. It cools down your body and serves as a febrifuge.

This oil has potent antiseptic and antibiotic properties. It does not let biotic infections develop in the body, that arise for bacteria and fungi. It also eliminates infections that are already present in your body.

How to use chamomile essential oil for heat rash?

Apply few drops of chamomile oil in the affected areas and massage it.

3. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint essential oil contains varieties of uses. Among those uses, it is famous for treatment and shooting properties. So it is no wonder that this oil is a necessity in many people’s medicine cabinets.

Peppermint essential oil can cool down your body and help the places affected by the heat rash. Because it has menthol in it. This is why it reduces inflammation and pain from the heat rash.

Peppermint oil has a cooling and uplifting effect on the body.

An easy way to use peppermint essential oil for heat rash:

It is one of the best oils to cure inflammation, irritation, and pains associated with heat rash.

Apply a little amount on the affected area to get rid of the burning and irritation. You can also mix it with 1 tsp witch hazel for better effect.

4. Lavender Oil
The Latin name of Lavender is Lavare, which means “to wash.” It filters out the toxins from your body.

The lavender essential oil is rich in many health benefits. Those benefits include the ability to drop nervous tension, disinfect the scalp, skin, and relieve pain. It can also enhance blood circulation and treat respiratory problems.

Lavender oil is used in many beauty products for its great effects on the skin. It will rejuvenate the heat rash affected skin.

Learn how to use lavender oil to heal heat rash:

This herbal oil has an amazingly pleasant aroma. It also has such versatile properties, and it is gentle enough to apply directly to the skin. Massage lavender oil onto your heat rashes

Put a few drops of lavender oil in hot water. Inhale to take the steam. This aromatic oil can help get rid of the irritations associated with heat rash. It will get rid of the burning sensation on your skin. This beneficial oil boosts immunity for your body can fight all sorts of disease

5. Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus essential oil is a useful remedy for skin infections. This oil works on your dry skin and provides moisture to it.

Heat rash causes inflammation and burns your skin. Using this oil will check dry skin conditions and reduces any harshness of the skin.

To heal heat rashes, you need to treat your damaged skin better and reduce the inflammation. Using eucalyptus essential oil will help you achieve that relief.

How to use eucalyptus oil for heat rash:

Apply few drops of eucalyptus oil on heat rash.

6. Turmeric Essential Oil
Turmeric essential oil can be one of the best remedies to cure your heat rash. This oil has many wonderful antioxidants and antibacterial properties.

Turmeric has an anti-inflammatory agent named curcumin. Many types of research have proved the strong ability of turmeric essential oil in treating inflammation of wounds as well as infected skin.

Many people use turmeric to get rid of a suntan. It is a powerful herb against skin condition. It also promotes fast healing of the affected skin and provides protection.

Here is a simple method of using turmeric oil:

Use of turmeric essential oil on your affected areas of skin. It will reduce the itchiness and roughness of your skin

7. Spearmint Oil
Spearmint essential oil contains similar minty and refreshing characteristics of peppermint essential oil. People often substitute spearmint oil for peppermint in aromatherapy.

Spearmint essential oil can help you find relief from your heat rash. Spearmint has plenty of antioxidants.

According to many studies, the results show that the same substances that work in fighting the bacteria in your body can also neutralize free radicals which are harmful to your health.

Learn how you may use spearmint oil:

Apply spearmint oil over your heat rash and massage. You can also diffuse spearmint oil in your room and use it as aromatherapy.

8. Oregano Oil
Oregano essential oil is excellent for many soothing types of inflammation, both internal and external. The oil is extracted from the dried oregano plants’ leaves through a process of steam distillation.

This oil has a strong aroma. It is popular for its potent antioxidants, antifungal, antimicrobial, antiviral, and antiseptic properties.

Oregano oil also improves your immune systems. So that you can heal faster. This herbal oil contains phenols which are an antiseptic compound.
It also contains thymol and carvacrol which are two antifungal properties. These substances are beneficial to treat skin infections.

Here is a simple method of using oregano oil:

You have to put three drops of oregano oil to mix it with one tablespoon of coconut oil. Tap it on your heat rash 2/3 times every day for a week.

Causes of Heat Rash
Heat rash occurs when your skin’s sweat glands get blocked. And your sweat cannot get to the surface of your skin to evaporate.

Some of your sweat ducts clog. Instead of evaporating, the perspiration gets trapped beneath your skin. This causes inflammation and rash.

Why the sweat ducts become blocked isn’t always clear. But particular factors seem to play a role in causing a heat rash. These include:

  • Overheating. Overheating causes heat rash. Overdressing or even sleeping under an electric blanket may lead to heat rash.
  • Immature sweat ducts. Infants’ sweat ducts aren’t fully developed. They trap perspiration beneath their skin and can rupture more easily.
  • Prolonged bed rest. Sweat rash can occur in people that are on the bed for a long period, especially if they have a fever.
  • Tropical climates. Hot, humid weather can result in heat rash.

Physical activity. Intense exercise or any hard activity which causes you to sweat may lead to heat rash.

Symptoms of Heat Rash
Heat rash in adults usually appears in skin folds and places clothing causes friction.

When it comes to babies, the rash is seen on the neck, shoulders and chest area. The symptoms may also show up in the armpits, elbow creases and groin of both adults and children.
Some common symptoms include:

  • Itchy red rashes
  • Irritation on the skin
  • The area feeling hot and bothered
  • Tiny blisters and bumps on the skin
  • Prickling sensation on the affected area

Final Note
Heat rashes erupt on the skin when the cooling mechanism of your body breaks down. This causes your skin to develop pustules or blisters which are itchy, painful, irritating, and give a burning sensation.

Heat rash isn’t a life-threatening disease. But if the inflammation gets somewhat unbearable, you should seek out medical help. Professional treatment is necessary only when the heat rash affected skin becomes infected. If that happens, consult with a doctor as soon as possible.

If the pain isn’t out of hand, using essential oils may work effectively to reduce heat rash.


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