Homemade Serum That Regenerates Your Hair And Stimulates Hair Growth!

Coconut oil is being used many years ago, and there are many benefits of it. But nowadays there is a high demand for coconut oil. It is understandable because you can use coconut oil in your diet, cosmetics and for the house hold.

This oil is very healthy and have various uses in the kitchen. Recent research shows that coconut oil have really great power – destroying cancer cells. In a period of 48 hour treatment, methodically destroyed 93 % of the cancer cells.

Now, probably you are wondering is that really possible. And if it is, how and what is the explanation of that.

Coconut oil contains lauric acid (that also is found in mother’s milk) that creates extreme oxidative stress. This component makes the dangerous cells sensitive to oxidation. As a result of the fatty acid and the medium-chain triglyceride, the metabolism is accelerated and you lose weight.

This oil have many uses in the cosmetics. You can use it every day as a tanning oil and treat any part of your body. It smells great and will provide you complete hydration.

You can use it for hair care because of the antimicrobial and antioxidant effect. Coconut oil is effective hair growth stimulator. Your will have quality hair and it will grow faster and will be stronger.

If you want longer and thicker hair, try this recipe:

1 tablespoon organic cold-pressed olive oil

½ cup cold pressed virgin coconut oil

2 drops essential rosemary oil

2 drops tea tree oil

How to prepare it:

Remove the heat and melt the coconut oil. Mix all ingredients and stir until you have well combined mixture. Put it in a glass jar and close the lid tightly.

How to use it:

This recipe will be most effective in scalp stimulation if you use it on a dry hair before washing it.Put the mix on the entire scalp and cover it with bag or cellophane, and wrap with warm towel. Keep it about 15 minutes and wash your hair. Repeat this 2 a week. After 2 months you will see the results.

Your hair will be thicker and more flexible. Also will be healthy, shiny and silky! This is a result of the unique structure of the coconut that penetrates deep into the hair roots. It’s great that your hair will smell very nice. The tea tree oil will clean the dandruff and have anti-itching effect. The rosemary oil and stimulates hair growth and also strengthens the hair. Combined with olive oil provides you extra hairstrength.


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